сряда, 20 юли 2011 г.

The Rise of (Female) Nerds

So I saw this video a while ago:

I have to say, I feel rather irritated by it.

I don't know why this is, maybe because I personally am very careful how I use the word "nerd" and which things I refer to as "nerdy". Maybe it's because I see what most of these ladies are doing and am offended by how little effort they're putting into it. Because let me tell you something, girls - if you want to draw in the nerd crowd, you're going to have to do better than saying you like Star Wars.

Seriously, who thinks that movie is nerdy anymore? In the words of the great Adam Scott of Parks and Recreation: "Everyone's seen it!"

You know who is nerdy? Alison Haislip. And also she is amazingly hot, but that's not the point. She is the living proof that girl nerds do exist on this earth. She has a huge video game collection, watches Doctor Who, knows her comic book superheroes and the lyrics to at least one Animaniacs song. I can't even remember it all. But listen to this interview with her and you will be convinced. She has the right to call herself a nerd because of all those things she likes and feels passionate about.

Alison is a rarity, though, because as the aforementioned girls show us, the popular belief about nerds is that you need to only say you are interested or know about one single thing that is currently considered nerdy to call yourself one. You know who Batman is? Nerd. You have touched an action figure at some point in your life? Nerd. You have watched you little brother play Call of Duty? Nerd (by proxy).

I think the reason behind such behavior can be explained with the growing popularity that nerds have gained among their peers nowadays. It's become cool to be a nerd. ComicCon has more and more visitors every year, every blockbuster now seems to be based on a comic book superhero, even TV Shows seem to have caught on - we have vampires and aliens and The Big Bang Theory (which I doubt any true nerds follow regularly, though). It's a strange social phenomenon that is bizzare, but not inexplicable. In the words of Patton Oswalt:

"You get old enough to know that every single thing - punk rock, hip hop - everything becomes mainstream. It has to, so that something else could react to it. Staying underground and staying edgy is just as stagnating as staying mainstream and bloated."
This doesn't mean that nerd culture is dead. Just that it's getting harder to prove that you are a true nerd because there are so many people now who claim the same by just saying they have watched an episode of Firefly.

But I guess the question for this particular post is: Why are girls doing it more often than guys? I guess it stems from the common (male) understanding that girls who like nerdy things are some sort of social unicorns - you've heard about them, but never actually seen one yourself. And you just know you wanna be a fucking unicorn, because that is awesome, man.

вторник, 19 юли 2011 г.

Who To Follow on Google+

Alright, so I already told you last week that I joined Google+ but I figured I should talk about it a little more today. Mainly, I wanted to share with you the people I follow on there.

I am just now starting to get how awesome Google+ is actually. Looks like Facebook, acts like Twitter, so we can follow whomever we want but they don't have to agree to it. Consent? That's a thing of the past, people, today's social networks should be modified for the stalker in all of us. It still sucks that not that many people have joined yet but by next month things will improve. After all, look at all the great guys who are already on board:

Kassem G - very funny guy, YouTube star
Charlie McDonnell - musician, YouTube star and British, so bonus points for that
Adam Pash - editor of LifeHacker, posts tech-related news
Soren Bowie - writer at one of my favorite sites, Cracked.com
Felicia Day - awesome actress, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and the amazing web series The Guild
Trey Ratcliff - photographer, posts really fantastic pictures regularly
Lady Gaga and Charlie Sheen - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's a guilty pleasure
Thomas Hawk - another photographer to make my news feed beautiful
Natalie Villalobos - Community Manager for the Google+ project
Wil Wheaton - actor, comedian, awesome guy
Chuck Palahniuk - one of my favorite writers, so great that he's already a part of the
network. Follow him. You won't regret it.

So that's my list for now. If you have found other celebrities and/or awesome people who
post interesting things on G+, comment and share the knowledge!

сряда, 13 юли 2011 г.

Did you Need an Update?

So here I am again, the summer is finally here for me and I haven't a single care in the world. Life is looking pretty good these days - I'm with my family again, working on a project I feel passionately about, seeing my friends and the beach... I even lost a couple of pounds :)

The dates of my arrival and departure from America have been established - I'm leaving on the 21st of August and returning home on the 15th of May. I'm hoping that I can travel with a couple of guys also participating in the program, who are flying to Pennsylvania. Poor guys will probably have to arrive in Philadelphia and then spend another couple of hours getting to their cities. Thankfully my final destination IS Philadelphia, so my flight will only last... about 12-15 hours. Oh, God.

I'm not yet thinking about what I'm going to pack, in fact I'm dreading the thought of doing so, because I know how hard that will be. But that is coming for me and I'll probably tell you how that goes.

In other news, I joined Google+! I'm left with great impressions, but I don't use it that much yet, mainly because none of my friends has climbed aboard. I think joining the network still requires an invitation, so if anyone needs one, just say the word!